
Quotes on Failure and Adversity

Opinionated quotations from the famous and not-so-famous.

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Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others.

Jules Renard

Success is 99% failure.

Henry Ford

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill

Success Is the Ability to Go From One Failure to Another With No Loss of Enthusiasm

Many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Thomas Edison

The way to succeed is to double your error rate.

Thomas J. Watson

Defeat isn't bitter if you don't swallow it.


Many of Life's Failures Are People Who Didn't Realize How Close They Were to Success When They Gave Up

Disappointment should always be taken as a stimulant, and never viewed as a discouragement.

C. B. Newcomb

I feel that the most important requirement in success is learning to overcome failure. You must learn to tolerate it, but never accept it.

Reggie Jackson

A failure is a man who has blundered but is not able to cash in the experience.

Elbert Hubbard

Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.

Florence Scovel Shinn

It is not always by plugging away at a difficulty and sticking to it that one overcomes it; often it is by working on the one next to it. Some things and some people have to be approached obliquely, at an angle.

Andre Gide

Success Is 99% Failure

When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.

Mary Kay Ash

Enjoy the successes that you have, and don't be too hard on yourself when you don't do well. Too many times we beat up on ourselves. Just relax and enjoy it.

Patty Sheehan

Gray skies are just clouds passing over.

Duke Ellington

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

The Way to Be Successful Is to Double Your Error Rate

Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.

James Rogers

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.

Julie Andrews

Sometimes when you walk through a maze, you have to go back to where you started to get where you want to go.

Duane Alan Hahn

It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.

Robert Strauss

If I were to say, ''God, why me?'' about the bad things, then I should have said, ''God, why me?'' about the good things that happened in my life.

Arthur Ashe

If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.


To despair is to turn your back on God.

The character 'Marilla Cuthbert' from Anne of Green Gables (#ad) miniseries

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

Truman Capote

Failure is success if we learn from it.

Malcolm S. Forbes

Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or by the handle.

James Russell Lowell

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

African Proverb

TV is an endless cycle of producers tweaking something until it's unwatchable. That might mean changing hosts, changing the format, whatever. Shows need to evolve to stay interesting, but it's much easier to make big stupid changes then to actually fix little things that might be wrong with the original. They also always think, "Hey this is popular, let's rerun it 48 times a week and kill it!"

"Joey Bastard"

A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with the wind.

John Neal

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

Bernice Johnson Reagon

We only think when we are confronted with a problem.

John Dewey

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

B. C. Forbes

It would not be better if things happened to men just as they wish.


As a rule, adversity reveals genius and prosperity hides it.


Not everything which is bad comes to hurt us.

Italian Proverb

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall.


Paralyze resistance with persistence.

Woody Hayes

The end of a dock is not an obstacle, it's an opportunity to get on a boat.

Duane Alan Hahn

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

Robert F. Kennedy

The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.

Laurens Van du Post

Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.


The reward of suffering is experience.


Affliction comes to us all, not to make us sad, but sober; not to make us sorry, but to make us wise; not to make us despondent, but by its darkness to refresh us as the night refreshes the day; not to impoverish, but to enrich us.

Henry Ward Beecher

No pressure, no diamonds.

Mary Case

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

M. Kathleen Casey

Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.

Charles ''Tremendous'' Jones

Tribulation will not hurt you, unless as it too often does; it hardens you and makes you sour, narrow and skeptical.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds; all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have.

Edward Everett Hale

Don't tell other people your troubles. Half of them aren't interested, and the other half will think you deserved it.


Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.

Washington Irving

Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.

Lou Holtz

If I had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick the trait of persistence. Determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying, ''Here comes number seventy-one!''

Richard M. DeVos

Some people are addicted to regret. Failure by way of self-sabotage is a way of life. They love the warm feeling of regret that washes over them whenever they reminisce. It's hard to give up, but the habit can be broken.

Duane Alan Hahn


In Case You Didn't Know


Trump's Jab = Bad

Did you know that Trump's rushed Operation Warp Speed rona jab has less than one percent overall benefit? Some people call it the depopulation jab and it has many possible horrible side effects (depending on the lot number, concentration, and if it was kept cold). Remember when many Democrats were against Trump's Operation Warp Speed depopulation jab, then they quickly changed their minds when Biden flip-flopped and started pushing it?


Some brainwashed rona jab cultists claim that there are no victims of the jab, but person after person will post what the jab did to them, a friend, or a family member on web sites such as Facebook and they'll be lucky if they don't get banned soon after. Posting the truth is “misinformation” don't you know. Awakened sheep might turn into lions, so powerful people will do just about anything to keep the sheep from waking up.


Check out these videos:

If You Got the COVID Shot and Aren't Injured, This May Be Why

Thought Experiment: What Happens After the Jab?

The Truth About Polio and Vaccines

What Is Causing the Mysterious Self-Assembling Non-Organic Clots and Sudden Deaths?

Full Video of Tennessee House of Representatives Health Subcommittee Hearing Room 2 (The Doctors Start Talking at 33:28)



H Word and I Word = Good

Take a look at my page about the famous demonized medicines called The H Word and Beyond. You might also want to look at my page called Zinc and Quercetin. My sister and I have been taking zinc and quercetin since the summer of 2020 in the hopes that they would scare away the flu and other viruses (or at least make them less severe). Here's one more page to check out: My Sister's Experiences With COVID-19.



B Vitamins = Good

Some people appear to have a mental illness because they have a vitamin B deficiency. For example, the wife of a guy I used to chat with online had severe mood swings which seemed to be caused by food allergies or intolerances. She would became irrational, obnoxious, throw tantrums, and generally act like she had a mental illness. The horrid behavior stopped after she started taking a vitamin B complex. I've been taking Jarrow B-Right (#ad) for many years. It makes me much easier to live with. I wonder how many people with schizophrenia and other mental mental illnesses could be helped by taking a B complex once or twice a day with meals (depending on their weight)?



Soy = Bad

Unfermented soy is bad!When she stopped eating soy, the mental problems went away.” Fermented soy doesn't bother me, but the various versions of unfermented soy (soy flour, soybean oil, and so on) that are used in all kinds of products these days causes a negative mental health reaction in me that a vitamin B complex can't tame. The sinister encroachment of soy has made the careful reading of ingredients a necessity.


I started taking AyaLife (99% Pure CBD oil) as needed in April of 2020. So far it's the only thing that helps my mood when I've mistakenly eaten something that contains soy. AyaLife is THC-free (non-psychoactive) and is made in the USA. I also put a couple dropper fulls under my tongue before leaving the house or if I just need to calm down.


It's supposedly common knowledge that constantly angry Antifa-types basically live on soy products. What would happen if they stopped eating and drinking soy sludge and also took a B complex every day? Would a significant number of them become less angry? Would AyaLife CBD oil also help?



Wheat = Bad

If you are overweight, have type II diabetes, or are worried about the condition of your heart, check out the videos by Ken D Berry, William Davis, and Ivor Cummins. It seems that most people should avoid wheat, not just those who have a wheat allergy or celiac disease. Check out these books: Undoctored (#ad), Wheat Belly (#ad), and Eat Rich, Live Long (#ad).



Negative Ions = Good

Negative ions are good for us. You might want to avoid positive ion generators and ozone generators. A plain old air cleaner is better than nothing, but one that produces negative ions makes the air in a room fresher and easier for me to breathe. It also helps to brighten my mood.



Litterbugs = Bad

Never litter. Toss it in the trash or take it home. Do not throw it on the ground. Also remember that good people clean up after themselves at home, out in public, at a campsite and so on. Leave it better than you found it.



Climate Change Cash Grab = Bad

Seems like more people than ever finally care about water, land, and air pollution, but the climate change cash grab scam is designed to put more of your money into the bank accounts of greedy politicians. Those power-hungry schemers try to trick us with bad data and lies about overpopulation while pretending to be caring do-gooders. Trying to eliminate pollution is a good thing, but the carbon footprint of the average law-abiding human right now is actually making the planet greener instead of killing it.


Eliminating farms and ranches, eating bugs, getting locked down in 15-minute cities, owning nothing, using digital currency (with expiration dates) that is tied to your social credit score, and paying higher taxes will not make things better and “save the Earth.” All that stuff is part of an agenda that has nothing to do with making the world a better place for the average person. It's all about control, depopulation, and making things better for the ultra-rich. They just want enough peasants left alive to keep things running smoothly.


Watch these two videos for more information:

CO2 is Greening The Earth

The Climate Agenda



How to Wake Up Normies

Charlie Robinson had some good advice about waking up normies (see the link to the video below). He said instead of verbally unloading or being nasty or acting like a bully, ask the person a question. Being nice and asking a question will help the person actually think about the subject.


Interesting videos:

Charlie Robinson Talks About the Best Way to Wake Up Normies

Georgia Guidestones Explained

The Men Who Own Everything


Amazon Books


S.W.E.A.T. Pledge Videos





Aliens, Conspiracies, and the Unexplained


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Failure and Adversity


Fashion and Taste

Fighting, Rioting, and War




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Human Nature


Improvement and Progress

Kindness and Sharing


Love and Relationships

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Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem






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Read these quotes and any adapted quotes at your own risk. (An adapted quote is a quote I have edited in some way to make it clearer or shorter so I can understand it better.) View this page and any external web sites at your own risk. I am not responsible for any possible spiritual, emotional, physical, financial or any other damage to you, your friends, family, ancestors, or descendants in the past, present, or future, living or dead, in this dimension or any other.


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