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Page Table of Contents
Supplements and Health Products that Work for Me
Can you find your magic bullet?
What I Take for Upset Stomach and Food Poisoning
Adapted tips from Sylvester Stallone's book.
A good list to have when you buy a new PC.
One of the best amusement park rides ever invented.
A small tribute to Lakeside amusement park in Virginia (including an article by Mary Hill).
Readability and Backgrounds (With Color Finder Tool)
If it's hard to read, why bother?
Make your pages easier to read.
Hotlinking sucks. Don't be an Internet parasite.
Pop Culture Memories
Music, movies, TV shows, and commercials.
Will they wake up before it's too late?
Simple Proof That the Earth Is Not Flat
Even if we're living in a holographic computer simulation, this holographic planet is still a sphere.
The Jordan Sather Unwanted List
Conspiracy theorist influencers that you might want to avoid.
Holographic Computer Simulation
In case you didn't know, you are in a holographic computer simulation.
Happy Fun Time With Alex Jones
Out of context clips from The Alex Jones Show.
Thought Experiment: What Happens After the Jab?
A hypothetical look into the future.
If we get the facts wrong or post faked videos, we won't be taken seriously.
Learn all about communism by watching these videos.
Are you starting to question the narrative yet?
Deadly or divine?
Quercetin opens the door so zinc can enter the cells and that may boost our resistance to viruses.
If masks and social distancing are still required, why get it?
My Sister's Experiences With COVID-19
A list of my sister's symptoms and non-symptoms.
Every person online seems to be an expert on the subject.
Have alien creatures from another dimension been caught on camera?
How Accurate Are JC Kay's Psychic Predictions and Pendulum Dowsing Sessions?
Let's look at a few examples.
Biden CGI Microphones Debunked
Were you fooled by an optical illusion?
What I Learned From Dating Sites and Apps
If you're a fan of wine tasting and sunburns, you'll have a date in no time.
Big Fat Fiasco Videos and More
Should we fear fat or should we fear sugar and starchy foods?
State of the Union Poison Plot?
Was there a plot to poison President Trump?
Does a decade start at 0 or 1? Just look at the second-to-last digit and you’ll have your answer.
DIY Untippable Car Trash Can Setup
For cars, minivans, SUVs and so on that have a flat area on the floor.
The Mandela Effect and Multiple Realities
Parallel universes are not colliding and no one is going back in time to change trivial things.
Repel grey aliens with winged sun disks.
You Can Make Money on the Internet
Share your gifts with others.
Protect e-mail addresses and stop forwarding chain letters.
Have drugs rotted their brains?
Grammar Errors and Goofy Mistakes
Words and phrases that should help make anyone seem smarter if used properly.
How to Pronounce Words in the USA
The correct way to pronounce certain words in the United States.
It's Not a Theme Song if No One Is Singing
If there are no lyrics, it's a theme, not a theme song.
Some smokers point out with glee that lung cancer is also a big problem for women who don't smoke.
How to make sure you will never leave a child in a vehicle.
Protect your children and your property.
Don't use your children as bait.
Get qualified. Learn how to be a good parent.
Stop Forcing Animals to Perform
Animals should not be forced to entertain us.
Information that might save time or money.
Michael Jackson: King of Bad Excuses
Enjoy a few YouTube videos.
Plants may not have faces, but they are alive.
No, That's Not the Virgin Mary, It's Pareidolia
Wake up and smell your gullibility.
Can asking questions make things better?
Information and opinions about the virus.
For people who have a hard time finding the word they are trying to say or type.
Future Movie Quotes (Fake Movie Quotes) and other goofy stuff.
Mostly 1980s with a little from the 1970s.
A secret Ghostbusters surprise!
Animated Movie From the Late 70s
With a picture inside of a picture inside of a picture.
Asperger's Syndrome, Memory, and Eyesight
Informal self-analysis and opinions.
An unofficial map with large building numbers.
Did you know that Trump's rushed Operation Warp Speed rona jab has less than one percent overall benefit? Some people call it the depopulation jab and it has many possible horrible side effects (depending on the lot number, concentration, and if it was kept cold). Remember when many Democrats were against Trump's Operation Warp Speed depopulation jab, then they quickly changed their minds when Biden flip-flopped and started pushing it?
Some brainwashed rona jab cultists claim that there are no victims of the jab, but person after person will post what the jab did to them, a friend, or a family member on web sites such as Facebook and they'll be lucky if they don't get banned soon after. Posting the truth is “misinformation” don't you know. Awakened sheep might turn into lions, so powerful people will do just about anything to keep the sheep from waking up.
Check out these videos:
If You Got the COVID Shot and Aren't Injured, This May Be Why
Thought Experiment: What Happens After the Jab?
The Truth About Polio and Vaccines
What Is Causing the Mysterious Self-Assembling Non-Organic Clots and Sudden Deaths?
Take a look at my page about the famous demonized medicines called The H Word and Beyond. You might also want to look at my page called Zinc and Quercetin. My sister and I have been taking zinc and quercetin since the summer of 2020 in the hopes that they would scare away the flu and other viruses (or at least make them less severe). Here's one more page to check out: My Sister's Experiences With COVID-19.
Some people appear to have a mental illness because they have a vitamin B deficiency. For example, the wife of a guy I used to chat with online had severe mood swings which seemed to be caused by food allergies or intolerances. She would became irrational, obnoxious, throw tantrums, and generally act like she had a mental illness. The horrid behavior stopped after she started taking a vitamin B complex. I've been taking Jarrow B-Right (#ad) for many years. It makes me much easier to live with. I wonder how many people with schizophrenia and other mental mental illnesses could be helped by taking a B complex once or twice a day with meals (depending on their weight)?
Unfermented soy is bad! “When she stopped eating soy, the mental problems went away.” Fermented soy doesn't bother me, but the various versions of unfermented soy (soy flour, soybean oil, and so on) that are used in all kinds of products these days causes a negative mental health reaction in me that a vitamin B complex can't tame. The sinister encroachment of soy has made the careful reading of ingredients a necessity.
I started taking AyaLife (99% Pure CBD oil) as needed in April of 2020. So far it's the only thing that helps my mood when I've mistakenly eaten something that contains soy. AyaLife is THC-free (non-psychoactive) and is made in the USA. I also put a couple dropper fulls under my tongue before leaving the house or if I just need to calm down.
It's supposedly common knowledge that constantly angry Antifa-types basically live on soy products. What would happen if they stopped eating and drinking soy sludge and also took a B complex every day? Would a significant number of them become less angry? Would AyaLife CBD oil also help?
If you are overweight, have type II diabetes, or are worried about the condition of your heart, check out the videos by Ken D Berry, William Davis, and Ivor Cummins. It seems that most people should avoid wheat, not just those who have a wheat allergy or celiac disease. Check out these books: Undoctored (#ad), Wheat Belly (#ad), and Eat Rich, Live Long (#ad).
Negative ions are good for us. You might want to avoid positive ion generators and ozone generators. A plain old air cleaner is better than nothing, but one that produces negative ions makes the air in a room fresher and easier for me to breathe. It also helps to brighten my mood.
Never litter. Toss it in the trash or take it home. Do not throw it on the ground. Also remember that good people clean up after themselves at home, out in public, at a campsite and so on. Leave it better than you found it.
Climate Change Cash Grab = Bad
Seems like more people than ever finally care about water, land, and air pollution, but the climate change cash grab scam is designed to put more of your money into the bank accounts of greedy politicians. Those power-hungry schemers try to trick us with bad data and lies about overpopulation while pretending to be caring do-gooders. Trying to eliminate pollution is a good thing, but the carbon footprint of the average law-abiding human right now is actually making the planet greener instead of killing it.
Eliminating farms and ranches, eating bugs, getting locked down in 15-minute cities, owning nothing, using digital currency (with expiration dates) that is tied to your social credit score, and paying higher taxes will not make things better and “save the Earth.” All that stuff is part of an agenda that has nothing to do with making the world a better place for the average person. It's all about control, depopulation, and making things better for the ultra-rich. They just want enough peasants left alive to keep things running smoothly.
Watch these two videos for more information:
Charlie Robinson had some good advice about waking up normies (see the link to the video below). He said instead of verbally unloading or being nasty or acting like a bully, ask the person a question. Being nice and asking a question will help the person actually think about the subject.
Interesting videos:
Charlie Robinson Talks About the Best Way to Wake Up Normies
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